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Geldigadalir eruption
Versi-on en español más abajo
Until 20:45 on March 19, 2021 the Geldigadalir valley was a quiet place in the shadow of Fagradalsfjall. The earth chose that time and date to split open and let molten rock gush out in an overwhelming spectacle. Thousands of earthquakes shook the Reykjanes peninsula in an orchestrated prelude to the eruption, until the ground gave way to the uncontainable magmatic pressure.
In the days that followed, as many as six fissures opened, but soon fissure number five began to ...
Leer más...16 marzo 2022

En español mas abajo.
During the winter a large amount of snow had accumulated on the mountains that crowned the fjords. Continuous storms had relentlessly battered the northern coast of Norway, blanketing white from the peaks to the shore. Winter solstice days are hard when you live so far north. The sun never peeks above the horizon. You can only enjoy a few hours of twilight. A twilight that invites you to retreat. But it is also a good time to explore in privacy. It is u...
Leer más...01 marzo 2022

The Volcano in the Clouds
En español más abajo.
Until 20:45 on 19 March 2021, the valley of Geldigadalir was a quiet place in the shadow of Fagradalsfjall. The earth chose that time and date to split open and let molten rock gush out in a breathtaking spectacle. Thousands of earthquakes shook the Reykjanes peninsula in an orchestrated prelude to the eruption, until the ground gave way to the unstoppable magmatic pressure.
In the days that follow...
Leer más...12 octubre 2021

Memoria telúrica
En noviembre del 2020 firmé en El Pais Semanal un ensayo fotográfico con el que culminaba mi proyecto del Kilauea. Después de cosechar múltiples reconocimientos en algunos de los certámenes de fotografía de naturaleza, creo que este puede ser un bun resumen de una selección de las mejores imágenes.
Leer más...22 mayo 2021

Hidden Canyon
En español más abajo.
The walls of this deep valley of glacial origin drop vertically to form a green abyss. At the bottom, a vertiginous waterfall transforms into a river that flows through its depths to the nearby Atlantic shore. A colony of gulls has found perfect nesting conditions here: steep walls protect their offspring from unwanted visitors, with the sea nearby to provide food.
I climbed up to this point several times over the course of a three-week journey, but the condi...
Leer más...08 mayo 2021

When the photographer is no longer necessary... or is it? Cuando el fotógrafo ya no es necesario,… o sí.
Thanks to deep learning, it is being shown that machines can make certain diagnoses as efficiently as a doctor. The Perseverance lands on Mars thanks to AI making numerous critical decisions in a scenario with an infinite number of variables. Facial and object recognition enables accurate identification of people and scenes. Big data creates a knowledge base that no human can match. Machine learning embedded in smartphones enables shots that a couple of decades ago were reserved for masters of ...
Leer más...08 mayo 2021

The canyon. El cañón
En español más abajo
Stuðlagil is one of the largest and most beautiful collections of basalt columns in Iceland. It looked very different until a few years ago, before the course of the Jökulsá á Dal was diverted to build a hydroelectric station. The dark basalt columns flank this spectacular canyon, where the only note of colour is provided by a flowing fountain laden with iron oxide sediments that stain the volcanic rock. I waited for the diffuse and uniform light of the last hours of the ...
Leer más...22 octubre 2020

Waterfall in the Storm. La Cascada en la Tormenta.
En español más abajo.
It is almost a decade since I first visited the Faroe Islands. I had the opportunity to make a visit of a few days taking advantage of a stopover in the port of Tórshavn of the ship that was taking me to Iceland.
At that time globalisation had not yet reached its peak, which meant that there was hardly any tourism and therefore not much accommodation available. During the whole time I was in the archipelago I didn't meet any photographers. I was able to explore some of the islan...
Leer más...18 octubre 2020

Cuando las reglas se convierten en un obstáculo. When rules become an obstacle
English version below
Cuando me compré mi primera cámara, hace ya varias décadas, las opciones de formación eran realmente escasas, no existía internet y en el mejor de los casos podía recurrir a algún manual de fotografía general. Con el paso de los años he sido consciente del enorme peso que ha tenido este aspecto en mi proceso de aprendizaje y como consecuencia directa, de mi estilo.
En mi caso el proceso creativo siempre es el mismo: primero me planteo un objetivo, u...
Leer más...26 marzo 2020

King of the Mountain
Pinus Longaeva grow only in the most inhospitable places in the mountains of Nevada, Utah and Eastern California. Thanks to their slow development, they produce a hard and very resistant wood, which can take thousands of years to decompose. The reason for its longevity is a genetic marvel that has led some specimens to surpass 5000 years of life, thanks to which it has been declared the oldest living being in the world.
Shooting performance
I set out to obtain an image that woul...
Leer más...25 marzo 2020